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CPD Presentation synopsis

evoBuild low carbon GGBS is a Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS), a cement replacement manufactured from a by-product of the iron-making industry. Using evoBuild low carbon GGBS is a cost-effective method of making concrete more sustainable and durable.

Concrete is used in the vast majority of construction projects, yet has a high level of CO2 emissions associated with it.

This “Specifying Sustainable Concrete” CPD presentation from Heidelberg Materials Cement covers the ways in which the CO2 levels in concrete can be reduced.

The use of cement additions to improve the appearance, durability and sustainability of concrete in your projects will be covered, and the presentation will last approximately one hour. Refreshments will be provided during the presentation.

Heidelberg Materials Cement is able to provide your practice with a full Continual Professional Development (CPD) presentation on the specification and use of GGBS, as well as other cement substitutes in sustainable construction.