
We are proud to be at the forefront of providing sustainable solutions for the energy sector, offering renewable materials and products designed for low-carbon power generation projects. 

Our expertise supports the development of infrastructure for renewable technologies such as wind, solar, and hydropower, contributing to a greener future.

With a focus on reducing the carbon footprint of construction, we supply low-carbon concrete and recycled aggregates, helping energy projects meet stringent environmental standards. 

Our products are ideal for power plants, renewable energy installations, and other critical infrastructure projects.

We offer a range of products under the Powercrete range that offer specific solutions for the energy industry to reduce time, cost and energy loss.

For more information on our range of renewable materials or to discuss how we can support your low-carbon power generation project, please contact us or use our location finder.

Why work with us?

  • Wealth of experience in delivering projects in the energy sector​
  • Full assistance throughout the tendering process​
  • A bespoke solution can be created to meet your needs​
  • Leaders in carbon capture and storage, in Brevik, Norway and Padeswood, UK​
  • Producers of the world's first net-zero carbon captured cement, evoZero
  • The highest commitment to health, safety, environment and quality​
  • The UK’s leading provider of concrete, cement, aggregates and asphalt

Ian Innes

National Commercial and Major Projects Director

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Biomass and Waste to energy

Renewable energy from biomass fuels can make significant greenhouse gas emissions savings compared to fossil fuels. Energy can also be recovered from waste by various technologies, which helps the UK reduce its dependency on energy imports, contributes towards reducing carbon emissions and meeting renewable energy targets.​

Today’s waste-to-energy plants are highly efficient and use municipal solid waste as their fuel rather than coal, oil or natural gas. We have significant experience contributing towards large projects that take advantage of these relatively new methods of energy creation focusing on preserving a sustainable planet for future generations.​


Nuclear power is a long-established part of the UK’s energy mix, and it will continue to play a major role in reliably generating affordable low-carbon energy.​

Concrete is a practical material for a permanent shield against the dangers of radiation. It’s also inexpensive, easy to use, structurally self-supporting, virtually indestructible, and without maintenance costs.​

We have been involved in the industry since the 1980s with Regen, a specially developed ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) product, used to safeguard radioactive waste during the decommissioning of old power plants. Its particle size distribution enables excellent flow properties with good water retention.​

We are also supplier of choice to the client and contractors for the supply of concrete, cement and aggregates to the proposed Hinkley Point C plant in Somerset, the first of a new generation of nuclear sites.

Read the Hinkley Point C case study

Wind Farms

With some of the best conditions in Europe and high average wind speeds, the UK is well placed to develop wind power. Both onshore and offshore wind farms are an important part of the UK’s renewable energy mix and will play an increasingly larger role in the future.​

We have been involved in the construction and management of onshore wind farms since 2000 and our offshore capability is built on experience from many major projects, we have been involved in both the UK and Europe.​

Since 2010 we have supplied the materials for the foundations for over 101 wind turbines and provided 59km of access road, five sub stations and five control rooms with a total power generation output of 207MW – enough electricity to power 116,000 households.


Gas currently forms an integral part of the UK’s generation mix and is a reliable, flexible source of electricity. It is expected that gas will continue to play a major role alongside low carbon technologies. 

A key role for gas is also consistent with the need to decarbonise our economy. It is the cleanest fossil fuel, and much of the new gas capacity needed would effectively be replacing ageing coal-fired generators. Our involvement in this sector includes supplying concrete to the £450million Severn Power Station, near Newport, Gwent, and the construction of the Liquified Natural Gas(LNG) import terminals in South Hooks, West Wales.

Products designed for Energy applications


Our Powercrete concrete is a heat conducting concrete, designed to enhance the thermal performance of infrastructure projects. Ideal as a bedding and infill material for underground HV and UHV cabling applications. 

Find out more about Powercrete


PowerSand is a cement bound sand specifically designed to protect energy infrastructure and storage. These products aim to reduce energy loss in the network, lower cable requirements, and cut costs and manpower during installation.

Find out more about PowerSand


CableCem is a heat-conducting grout developed as an infill material for jacket tube systems. It has excellent free-flowing properties and is well-suited for infilling the residual annular space between the cable and the jacket tube.

Find out more about CableCem

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