Commitment to reduce carbon emissions

Heidelberg Materials Cement is part of the Heidelberg Materials Group. Together we are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of our cement products. Heidelberg Materials is the first and so far only cement producer in the world to have agreed carbon reduction targets under the Science Based Targets (SBT) initiative. We have committed to reducing the CO2 emissions per tonne of cement produced by 30% by 2030 from 1990 levels. This commitment aligns with the 2015 UNFCC Paris Agreement to keep the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

In order to achieve this commitment, Heidelberg Materials is taking action as follows in all their subsidiaries, including Cement’s UK operations:

  • Increased use of carbon neutral biomass fuels in our kilns
  • Increased used of other alternative fuels in our kilns
  • Development of clinker substitutions and alternative cements
  • Energy efficiency measures in all plants

We will not stop at our 2030 commitment. Our ultimate goal is to supply CO2-neutral concrete by 2050 at the latest. Through our world-class research facilities in Heidelberg we are pursuing this ambitious aim with further initiatives. These include involvement in collaborative, innovative projects such as

  • the development of a pilot facility for carbon capture (LEILAC)
  • the exploration of carbon capture technologies for the cement industry (CEMCAP)
  • the assessment of the potential of minerals to absorb CO2 (CO2MIN)
  • the building of the world’s first carbon capture plants at our cement works in Norway and Canada (NORWAY and CANADA)

In the UK, Cement are also actively involved in the following carbon reduction projects:

  • Project RICE (Reduced Industrial Carbon Emissions), a demonstration of hydrogen production by electrolysis using renewable electricity
  • A zero carbon kiln fuel industrial scale demonstration with MPA Cement under the BEIS Industrial Fuel Switching competition
Two people with skateboards in a concrete skate park, one is doing a jump, sea in the background


Through ground-breaking innovation, we’re pioneering carbon capture and storage – and transforming our industry. By introducing the world’s first carbon captured net-zero cement, we’re giving forward-thinking construction partners the opportunity to build a better tomorrow.

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