Net Zero

Net zero

We drive decarbonisation and provide low-carbon products

Headline KPIs

CO2 and energy​
  • Reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions in line with Heidelberg Materials  Group SBTi.​
  • CCS plant at Padeswood to be operational and feasibility studies  for Ketton and Ribblesdale.
  • Reduce scope 1 emissions from UK operations by 15% from  2016 baseline.​
  • Reduce CO2 by 15% in concrete, asphalt and cement from  2019 baseline.
  • Reduce scope 3 emissions in delivery transport by 15% from  2019 baseline.​
Sustainable revenue​
  • Achieve 50% of our gross revenue from sustainable products  that are either low-carbon or circular.

Enabling and supporting KPIs

CO2 and energy​
  • 85% clinker incorporation in our cement.
  • Alternative fuel rate in cement above 80%.
  • Biomass fuel rate in cement above 35%.
  • Measurement framework for scope 3 emissions embedded by 2025  and 10% reduction to 2030.
  • 10% reduction in operational electrical kWh/t from a 2016 baseline.
  • Net zero plans in all divisions developed to include targets for  scope 1, 2 and 3.

Net zero in action:

A step closer to creating the UK’s first net zero cement works

Plans are progressing to build a carbon  capture facility at our Padeswood cement works in north Wales. We have signed a statement of principles with the UK Government’s Department for Energy Security and Net Zero to enter into final negotiations, with the aim of making a decision by April 2025.

We have also signed a front-end engineering  and design (FEED) with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Worley, marking another  milestone in our plans to create the UK’s  first net zero cement works.

If the project goes ahead, it would be the  first facility of its kind in the UK and would  set the UK’s construction industry on the  path to net zero.

It would capture almost all the CO2 produced during cement manufacture, equating to up  to 800,000 tonnes annually, and enabling the production of evoZero carbon captured net  zero cement from the site as early as 2028.

We are also involved in a number of other  industry-leading decarbonisation trials  using innovative technologies including:

  • Trialling C-Capture’s solvent-based carbon  capture technology at Ketton cement works.
  • Taking part in a 12-month project to establish  the feasibility of using ammonia as a source  of hydrogen for use as a fuel in cement kilns  at our Ribblesdale works.
  • Looking at the feasibility of using hydrogen  to decarbonise asphalt production at our  Criggion asphalt plant in mid-Wales.

Net Zero