Chippings and spars Canterbury Durite Dashing Spar 3mm-8mm2 bags will cover an area of 2M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Plum Slate Chippings 15-30mm & 40mm2 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Green Slate Chippings 15-30mm2 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Cotswold Buff Chippings 20mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Scottish Red Chippings 6-14mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Monmouth Green Chippings 6 - 14mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Gravels Cumbrian Red Gravel 14 mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet York Gold Gravel 10mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Staffordshire Pink Gravel 10mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Pearl Grey Gravel 20mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Solent Gold Gravel 10 - 20mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Boreham White Gravel 10mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM Download technical data sheet Pebbles and cobbles Scottish Pebbles 20-40mm3 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 40MM Scottish Cobbles 50mm2 bags will cover an area of 1M2 to a depth of approximately 50MM More information Download technical data sheet Additional ResourcesMeet the teamMerchant campaignsBag image downloadsMixed product loads Contact us You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Name Company E-mail Telephone Preferred method of contact E-mail Telephone Enquiry Privacy policy For information about the processing of your data, please read our privacy policy.