High strength bespoke Ecoplus concrete mix

The construction of a 20-storey building at 25 Churchill Place in London’s Canary Wharf is the last piece of a flourishing development that began in 1988 and has since transformed the area beyond recognition.

Completed the building is approximately 130m high, with 23 floors, including over 51,100m2 of office space and incorporates four atria on the western elevation.

Providing sustainability and durability

This building has been designed to achieve a BREEAM ‘excellent’ environment performance rating, and is set to be one of the most environmentally friendly buildings at Canary Wharf to date. The use of EcoPlus concrete played a big part in helping achieve this through the correct selection of its constituent parts.

The cementitious component of concrete represents most of the embodied carbon dioxide. Hanson supplyied the building with a high strength bespoke EcoPlus concrete mix containing up to 50% Regen as a cement substitute, thus significantly reducing the embodied carbon dioxide of the concrete mix. Regen generates very low CO2 emissions, as is a post-industrial by-product.

Read more about Hanson's bespoke concrete solutions

25 Churchill Place

  • 2014



25 Churchill Place
Canary Wharf
London (United Kingdom)