Encouraging a career in construction
We’re working to create a more diverse workforce and inspire more people to consider careers within the construction industry by continuing to expand our Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) policy.
Since the introduction of our FIR strategy, we have implemented a number of changes across the business. These include improvements in maternity and shared parental leave; setting recruitment equality targets and launching an unconscious bias education programme.
Last year, according to figures from Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), women held 11% of construction industry roles. In the hope of improving this figure, the next phase of our FIR strategy will see new corporate photography showing a more diverse workforce replace images in current marketing and job advertising photos, while the unconscious bias education will support managers to be aware of how their own views may impact recruitment or personal development.
“Several more ideas are also in the early stages as we work to ensure we create a fully inclusive culture,” said Becky Murphy, an aggregates’ field sales manager who helped launch the strategy last year.
“On improving the recruitment, retention and progression of women, we are working through the 10 steps recommended by WISE (https://www.wisecampaign.org.uk/what-we-do/expertise/industry-led-ten-steps/what-is-the-ten-steps/), the industry best practice group we joined in March, 2018.”