Decarbonisation integral to our business

Our 2022 sustainability report, which demonstrates progress made during the 2021 calendar year, charts a series of significant successes across our business.

It focuses on our 2030 commitments and is built around six topics: business and product innovation; health, safety and wellbeing; environmental responsibility; resource use and the circular economy; being a good neighbour; and fairness, inclusion and respect.

Highlights include:

  • Successful world-first net zero carbon fuel trial at Ribblesdale cement works
  • Continuing development of our carbon capture and storage project at Padeswood cement works
  • Launch of CEMII low carbon cement
  • Increased volume of aggregates moved by rail, saving 60,000 truck movements and associated CO2 emissions
  • Mains water usage down 12.6%; abstracted water use down 20.5%
  • Waste to landfill down 23%
  • Launch of LGBT+ Network

CEO Simon Willis said: “Our roadmap to decarbonising has become integral to everything we do, and I am extremely proud of how our team has responded to the challenge.

“But there is always more work to do and I, along with the rest of the executive committee, remain focused on delivering our 2030 commitments, including those fast tracked to 2025, and fulfil our ambition to be a leader in sustainability.”

Read the full 2022 report here.