Milton Keynes nature reserve recognised at European awards

Our work to create Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, has been recognised at the 2022 UEPG Sustainable Development Awards, held in Brussels.
It was nominated by the Mineral Products Association in the biodiversity category, where it gained a special mention for the creation of a dynamic river floodplain system that links with the main river, the Great Ouse.

The project involved the progressive restoration of our former Manor Farm sand and gravel quarry – in partnership with landowner, Milton Keynes Parks Trust – to create, re-establish and enhance several UK priority habitats, such as a network of lakes and ponds, wet woodland, wet grassland and reedbeds. 

The nature reserve attracts a multitude of birds, including wading birds such as redshank and lapwing, as well as water voles and otter, and is managed to give the community access to nature.  

The UEPG Sustainable Development Awards are run every three years by the European aggregates industry. They promote the sharing of environmental best practice and, by encouraging projects that exceed planning and regulatory requirements, set new standards of excellence.

Principal landscape architect, David Southgate, said: “The Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve was based on previous similar Heidelberg Materials restorations, while implementing valuable lessons learned. 

“Connecting the wetland areas with the main channel of the river means that the wetland system is an active part of the floodplain and wider ecology. The added ‘ecosystem services’ benefits from this scheme are significant, from improving water quality and decreasing flood risk to providing spawning areas for fish. 

“The dynamic system with grazing by Konik ponies and cattle to manage vegetation has similarities with ‘re-wilding’ which is increasingly regarded as being a more sustainable way of enhancing biodiversity.

“We are thrilled that the project has been recognised at these important awards and hope it will set a good-practice example and be replicated elsewhere in the industry.”