Annual sustainability report charts progress 

Our 2020 sustainability report, which covers the 2019 calendar year, highlights the progress we have made towards our 2020 targets and how we are building on these with our 2030 commitments.

The annual report is built around six topics which underpin our performance indicators and targets: enabling sustainable construction, people and communities, carbon and energy, waste and raw materials, water and biodiversity, and quality processes and systems.

It reports that, since 2010, we have reduced waste to landfill by 86 per cent and mains water use by almost one third, while lost time injury frequency is the lowest recorded in a decade.

Other highlights include: 

  • environmental complaints reduced by 58 per cent from 2010 and lowest number recorded
  • environmental training award received from IEMA
  • significant reductions in SOx (47 per cent), NOx (15 per cent) and particulate (42 per cent) from our cement operations from 2010

The report also recommends areas for improvement including the quest for zero harm, energy use and carbon reduction, and the use of cement replacement products.

The latest report also sets out our 2030 commitments, which build on our 2020 sustainability targets by widening the scope to include social and economic aspects, as well as new performance indicators.

They align with HeidelbergCement’s 2030 sustainability commitments and define the key topics and core principles of our corporate sustainability strategy: business and product innovation; health, safety and wellbeing; environmental responsibility; resource use and the circular economy; being a good neighbour; and fairness, inclusion and respect.

You can read the full report at